Jul 26, 2019
In this episode of The Woof Meow Show from July 20th, 2019 Kate and Don discuss one of the hottest topics in the news and social media; pet food and dilated cardiomyopathy in pets, and the FDA’s June press release. There has been an incredible amount of “news” on this topic, much of it more conjecture and misinformation than useful facts. Kate and Don review four new articles on this subject that add clarity to the information missing from the nightly news.
If you are worried about what you are feeding your pet, you will want to listen to this show and podcast.
You can hear The Woof Meow Show on Z62 Retro Radio, AM620, and WKIT HD3 at 9 AM on Saturday. If you are not near a radio, listen on your computer at http://bit.ly/AM620-WZON or your smartphone or tablet with the free WZON 620 AM app. A podcast of the show is typically posted immediately after the show. You can download this show and others at http://woofmeowshow.libsyn.com/, at Don’s blog http://bit.ly/Words-Woofs-Meows and the Apple iTunes store.