Sep 28, 2014
[Click to Listen] If you love pets then you need to be part of
The Bangor Humane Society's 21st annual Paws on Parade which will
be held on the Bangor waterfront on the morning of Saturday October
How can you participate? It can be as simple as asking friends,
family members and co-workers to sponsor you as you...
Sep 22, 2014
Minimally Invasive Surgery with Dr. Chris Miles from Lucerne Veterinary Hospital - Kate and Don talk with Dr. Chris Miles about new surgical techniques used by Dr. Miles that are similar to the laparoscopic procedures used with people. Instead of making a large surgical incision, small incisions are used to allow a tiny...
Sep 21, 2014
[Click to Listen] Green Acres Kennel Shop wants to help children
be safe around dogs. Why? Because half of all children will
be bitten by a dog by age 12. The majority of these bites will be
by the family dog or another dog known to the child.
As a member of Doggone Safe, a non-profit organization dedicated to
Sep 15, 2014
Don and Kate chat with Suzanne Bell, Executive Director of the Bangor Humane Society about summer at BHS, volunteer opportunities, and their biggest fundraiser of the year - the 21st annual Paws on Parade. Find out how you can help homeless pets in our region by volunteering or participating in paws on Parade on the...
Sep 14, 2014
A dog that growls is not being a bad or vicious dog. In fact by growling, a dog is simply trying to prevent a bite.
While some dogs will growl in play, it's important to pay attention when a dog is growling because they are afraid, angry, or upset. These are all emotional conditions that could precede a bite and are a...