Nov 25, 2013
Kate and Don discuss a wide range of toys, leashes, collars, treats, gift certificates, and other items that just might be the perfect gift you are seeking for your favorite pet or friend or family member with a pet.
Nov 24, 2013
[Click on image for audio] - The days are getting shorter and
the temperatures are dropping so it's time for some fall and winter
pet tips.
If your pet is outdoors, make sure they always have access to fresh
water. If the temperature drops below freezing, you will need a
heater for their water bowl. Snow is not an...
Nov 18, 2013
Kate and Don discuss why training is a smart decision for every family with a dog and explain Green Acres philosophy of reward-based training. They go into detail discussing Green Acres’ Puppy Headstart class, for pups 8 to 16 weeks of age, as well as their Basic Manner class for dogs of all ages. Tune in and learn...
Nov 17, 2013
[Click on image for audio] - November and December are the time
for family and group gatherings, something many pets don't
In fact, many dog bites occur during family gatherings when our
dog's routine becomes different and there is more noise, confusion,
and overall chaotic activity in your home.
Consider these...
Nov 11, 2013
Kate and Don discuss what they learned at a recent seminar in Boston with Colleen Pelar (author of Living with Kids and Dogs) and Jennifer Shryock from Family Paws Parent Education. They discuss the importance of planning well before the baby arrives and common issues and concerns. A key take-home from the seminar was...