Aug 31, 2014
Investing your time and energy into a dog training class taught by a certified professional dog trainer is one of the best things that you can do for the relationship between your dog and your family.
Sadly many dogs never have the benefit of attending a training class. These dogs often develop behavioral issues and...
Aug 24, 2014
Kate and Don interview Kathy Vanaria from Maine Lost Dog Recovery, discussing things pet owners can do to better prepare themselves if their pet should ever runoff or get lost. We also talked about what to do if your pet goes missing and how Maine Lost Dog Recovery and Maine Lost Cat Recovery can help. If you have a pet...
Aug 24, 2014
I love seeing people out and about, enjoying the outdoors with their dog. However, it's important to remember that we have a responsibility to pickup after our dog whenever we are off our own property.
Not everyone likes dogs and one of the main reasons why is that some dog owners don't clean up after their dogs. I hate...
Aug 17, 2014
Not all pets need to be groomed by a professional, but all pets, no matter the length of their coat, should be groomed at least once a week. A weekly grooming should include checking your pet's nails and trimming them as necessary as well as brushing and thoroughly examining their coat and skin. The more frequently you...
Aug 11, 2014
In part three of this three part series Dr. Herman discusses vaccines, titers and nosodes as well as the importance of pet owners educating themselves on the core vaccines recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association ( and...