Jan 22, 2013
Dominance, pack hierarchy and the concept of being “alpha” have been common ideas thrown about the dog training world for years. On Saturday, February 9th, Green Acres will be hosting a screening of the documentary film Tough Love: A Meditation on Dominance and Dogs which examines how these flawed theories came about and how there has been a resurgence in this approach by some celebrity “Television trainers”, even though it is contraindicated by science. The films maker, Professor Chad Montrie and members of the Green Acres Kennel Shop training staff will be on hand to answer questions at the conclusion of the film. We have limited seating for this event so we suggest you call 945-6841 to preregister.
You can find more information on training your dog at our website, www.greenacreskennel.com or at the Green Acres Kennel Shop FaceBook page.