Jun 29, 2014
[Click on image for audio] - It's time to celebrate and for many that means it's time for fireworks.
Fireworks, with their loud booms and bright flashes of light can be very frightening to pets especially if they are close by, like in your yard or your neighbor's yard.
Make sure your dog or cat always has somewhere inside to hide and that they have access to this place at all times. This could be their crate, a special room, or under a piece of furniture.
During firework season, walk dogs during daylight hours and keep cats and dogs indoors anytime when fireworks are likely to be set off.
Close your windows and curtains at night and put on music to mask and muffle the sound of fireworks.
If you use fireworks at home, keep your pet inside.
If you go someplace to see the fireworks I would advise you to leave your pet at home in a safe quiet location. They'll be glad you did.