Nov 23, 2014
[Click to Listen] The days are getting shorter and the
temperatures are dropping so it's time for some fall and winter pet
If your pet is outdoors, make sure they always have access to fresh
water. If the temperature drops below freezing, you will need a
heater for their water bowl. Snow is not an acceptable
If you have a long haired pet, make sure you keep them groomed and
free of matts and tangles. While long hair will act as an
insulator, it loses its insulating properties when it becomes
If your pet has long hair on its feet or in between their pads, you
may want to have your groomer cut that hair short, so it does not
accumulate snow when your pet is outdoors.
If your pet gets wet in the rain or snow, dry them off with a towel
when they come back inside.
You can find more cold weather pet tips in the Articles section at
green acres kennel dot com.