Sep 25, 2016
Group play, the opportunity for your dog to romp, play and interact with other dogs is one of the things that can make boarding and daycare so much fun for your dog. However, please consider the following:
The quality of the group play experience is very dependent on the training and knowledge of the staff supervising the play. Look for a facility where all play is supervised by trained humans at all times. We suggest a ratio of one person for every five dogs at play.
Dogs should not be playing all day long but should have ample downtime in a private indoor/outdoor run so that they can rest. Too much play is just as bad for your dog as too little play.
Group play is for dogs that are already well socialized and enjoy the company of other dogs. If your dog does not enjoy most other dogs then group play while at daycare or boarding, or even at a dog park may be counterproductive.
If you want to help your dog improve their social skills, consider working with a certified dog behavior consultant.