Sep 11, 2016
Adding a dog or a cat to a family is a big deal and should not be done lightly. Both dogs and cats, depending on the breed, can live 15 years or more and when you get a pet it should be with a commitment of keeping it for life.
The type of pet you choose; dog or cat, young or old, large or small, pure bred or mixed breed, short coat or long coat, and what the breed was bred to do should all factor in to your decision.
Likewise, your lifestyle, what you like to do in your free time, how you feel about exercise and whether or not you have children in your life should all play a role in deciding which pet is best for you.
One of the services we provide at Green Acres is a free consultation with families or individuals that are contemplating getting their first pet or maybe adding a second pet to the family.
To setup an appointment just call us at 945-6841.